Items & Expenses Setup
Employees often incur costs, Expenses related to working on Projects. Expenses are recorded, approved, and posted separately from Timesheets. Project transactions that are not related to resource labor or Inventory Items should be recorded as expenses. These costs will update the Project Plan and be available for invoicing if the Chargeable box is selected on the transaction. Like Resources and Items, each Expense transaction contains a Cost and Price.
Expense Prices
Prices related to Expenses can be considered as pass-through and set up to have the Price equal to the Cost.
Expenses can also be marked up by a percentage of profit (example 15% markup) or have a fixed amount added as profit.
Pricing can be different for each Expense Type. Prices for Expenses are determined by a hierarchy. If there is a specific price setup for a Project and/or Task, that Price is used. If no pricing is established, then the Price on the Project Expense Card is used.
To complete setup for Items and Expenses, use these links to view help files for related setup pages:
Topic | Link |
Create Expense types |
Project Expense Types |
Set up Project Expense Prices | Project Expense Prices |
Set up Project Expense Posting Accounts | Project Expense Posting Setup |
Project Expense Payment Types | Project Expense Payment Types |
Set up Credit Cards | Credit Card Setup |
Set up Project/Task Item Prices | Item Prices Setup |