Project Dashboard
The Project Dashboard in Advanced Projects by Progressus provides the ability to review information on specific Projects in one centralized dashboard.
Filters in Project List FastTab
The Project List FastTab provides filters to narrow displayed results in the dashboard.
Field Name | Description |
Project Manager | Specifies, if a Project Manager is selected, to filter displayed results to only Projects with the selected Project Manager. |
Person Responsible | Specifies, if a Person Responsible is selected, to filter displayed results to only Projects with the selected Person Responsible. |
Sales Responsible | Specifies, if a Salesperson is selected, to filter displayed results to only Projects with the selected Sales Person Responsible. |
Customer | Specifies, if a Customer is selected, to filter displayed results to only Projects with the selected Customer. |
Status | Specifies, if a Status is selected, to filter displayed results to only Projects with the selected Status. |
Internal | Specifies, if selected (true) to filter displayed results to only Projects where Internal Project is true. |
No of Projects Within Filter | Specifies the number of records that will display, based on the filters entered in the Project List FastTab. |
Project List FastTab
Field Name | Description |
No. | Specifies the project Number. |
Name | Specifies the Project Name. |
Description | Specifies identifying information about the Projects. |
Project Manager | Specifies the Project Manager for the Project. |
Project Posting Group | Specifies the Project Posting Group for the Project. For more information on Project Posting Groups, see: Project Posting Groups |
Bill-to Customer No. | Specifies the customer to whom the sales invoice will be sent. |
Search Description | Specifies the selected project's additional description of the Project for searching purposes. Defaults to the same information as description. |
Project Information
Displays the following information about the selected project:
| No.| Specifies the project number.| |Name|Specifies the customer name.| |Description| Specifies the identifying information about the project.| |Project Manager| Specifies the number, code of the resource assigned to oversee the project.| |Project Posting Group| Specifies the Project Posting Group for the project. For more information on Project Posting Groups, see: Project Posting Groups| |Bill-to Customer No.| Specifies the customer to whom the sales invoice will be sent.| |Search Description: Specifies the selected project's additional description of the project for searching purposes. Defaults to the same information as description.
Project Entries
Displays Project Ledger Entries for the selected project:
|Posting Date| Specifies the posting date, from the originating document, assigned to the ledger entry.| |Entry Type| Specifies if the entry is usage or sale.| | Document No.| Specifies a document number from the originating document.| |Project No.| Specifies a unique identifier for the project.| | Type| Specifies if the entry is an item, resource, or G/L account.| |No.| Specifies a number for the Type.| | Project Task No.| Specifies the number of the related project task.| |Contract Type| Specifies if the contract type is time and material or fixed.| |Usage Value Type| Specifies a classification of the amount or units consumed, in time entries, based on the contract type. Options are High Value or Low Value.| | Amt to Post to G/L| Specifies the amount to post to G/L for the selected entry.| | Amt Posted to G/L| Specifies the amount posted to G/L for the selected entry.| | Amt to Recognize| Specifies the amount of realized income to be posted to G/L for the selected entry.| |Amt Recognized Posted| Specifies the amount of posted realized (recognized) income.| |Description| Specifies a description of the selected entry No.| | Location Code| Specifies the relevant location code if an item is posted.| | Time Pay Type| Specifies the pay type of the work performed. Programmed pay types are Regular, Overtime 1, and Overtime 2.| |Pay Type Cost Factor| Specifies the cost multiplier related to the Time Pay Type. For example, Overtime2 is setup to multiply the pay rate by a factor of 2, the Pay Type Cost Factor displays "2".| |Quantity| Specifies the number of units on the entry.| |Total Cost (LCY)| Specifies the cost times the quantity in LCY (local currency).| |Unit of Measure Code| Specifies how the quantity is measured i.e., hours, pcs.| | Unit Cost ($)| Specifies the base value of the unit in LCY (local currency).| | Pay Type Price Factor| Specifies the price multiplier related to the Time Pay Type. For example, Overtime2 is setup to multiply the pay rate by a factor of 2, the Pay Type Price Factor displays "2".| |Unit Price ($)| Specifies the value of the unit charged to the customer in LCY (local currency).| |Total Price ($)| Specifies the value of the unit times the quantity, charged to the customer in LCY (local currency).| |Remaining Amount (LCY)| Specifies the unbilled balance from the project ledger entry in LCY (local currency).| |Total Cost| Specifies the cost times the quantity in the project currency.| |Total Cost Incl. Tax (LCY) PGS| Specifies the cost times the quantity including tax, in LCY (local currency).| |New Total Price (LCY)| Specifies the Total Price (LCY) minus Discounts.| | Line Discount Amount| Specifies the line discount amount for the posted entry, in the project currency.| |Line Discount %| Specifies the line discount percent of the posted entry.| |Total Price| Specifies the total price for the project entry, in the project currency.| | Line Amount| Specifies the net amount (after subtracting the invoice discount) that must be paid for the entry.| |Remaining Amount| Specifies the unbilled balance from the ledger entry, in the project currency.| |Chargeable| Specifies, if true, that the entry is billable.| | Open| Specifies, if true, that the entry is open, has not been applied against another entry.| |User ID| Specifies the ID of the user who posted the entry.| |Entry No.| Specifies the number assigned from the designated number series when the entry was created.| |Cost Type| Specifies the informational code that is assigned to each timesheet line for the resource transaction. Examples of a Cost Type are Equipment, Labor, Material, etc. and are setup in the Role Center > Actions > Setup > Project Setup > Cost Types.| |Postpone to Date| Specifies the postpone to date of the project ledger entry.| |Postpone Formula| Specifies the formula for the number of days or months to postpone the billing of this entry.| | Approved| Specifies, if selected (true) that the entry is approved.| | Approved By| Specifies the User ID of the person who approved the entry.| |Source Type| Specifies the identifying number of the source of the transaction. For example, if the transaction originated with a customer sales invoice, the Source Type would display the customer number from that transaction.| | Source No.| Specifies the identifying number of the Source.| | Expense Payment Type| Specifies how the expense was paid when type is G/L account or Item.| |Expense| Specifies, if selected (true) that the entry is an expense transaction.| | Expense Code| Specifies a unique identifier for the expense.| |*Expense Resource| Specifies the person submitting the amounts when the line is for expense.
Expense Date: Specifies the date on which the Expense transaction occurred.
Credit Card Code: Specifies the identifying information for the credit card used for the expense.
Purpose: Specifies the purpose of the expense and why it is being charged.
Hour Bank No.: Specifies the Hour Bank number referenced in the entry (if applicable).
Ledger Entry Type: Specifies the entry type (Resource, Item or G/L) to identify the project ledger entry.
Ledger Entry No.: Specifies the system assigned number to identify the project ledger entry.
Adjusted: Specifies whether a project ledger entry has been modified or adjusted. The value in this field is inserted by the Adjust Cost - Item Entries batch job. The Adjusted check box is selected if applicable.
DateTime Adjusted: Specifies the time stamp of a project ledger entry adjustment or modification.
Attachments: Specifies, if Yes, that the entry has attachments in PDF, JPEG, and other formats.
Budget Entries FastTab
Displays Project Budget Entries for the selected project.
Entry No.: Specifies the system assigned, sequential number of the entry. The first budget entry for any project is assigned number 1 with each new entry being incremented by 1, regardless of the project. Budget entries do not have a No. Series.
Status: Specifies the status of the project from the Project Card > Status field.
Date: Specifies the date of the posted project budget entry transaction.
Project No.: Specifies a unique identifier for the project.
Task Code: Specifies an identifier for work that is done for a project.
Type: Specifies if the entry is an item, resource, or G/L account.
Internal Project: Specifies, if selected, that the project is internal to the organization.
Customer Project: Specifies if the project is a customer project. If a Customer No. has been selected on the Project Card, this option will default to true.
No.: Specifies the identifier for the resource, item, or expense.
Description: Specifies information about the resource, item, or expense, such as, name.
Work Type Code: Specifies the identifier of the Work Type used on the entry.
Quantity: Specifies the number of units on the entry.
Quantity (Base): Specifies the number of units on the entry (base).
Pipeline Qty: Specifies the number of pipeline units on the entry.
Unit of Measure Code: Specifies how the quantity is measured i.e., hours, pcs.
Total Cost (LCY): Specifies the cost times the quantity in LCY (local currency).
Total Price (LCY): Specifies the value of the unit times the quantity, charged to the customer in LCY (local currency).
Line Discount Amount (LCY): Specifies the discount value of the posted entry.
Currency Code: Specifies the identifier of the currency on the entry.
Main Profile Code: Not in use.
Total Price: Specifies the value of the unit times the quantity, charged to the customer in the project currency.
Chargeable: Specifies, if true, that the entry is billable.
Project Documents FastTab
Displays Open Documents, Invoices, and Credit Memos for the selected project.
Displays key status indicators for the selected project. Key Status Indicators display whether or not the field is populated on the Project Card.
Person Responsible: Specifies the person at your company who is responsible for the selected project.
Project Manager: Specifies the person who is assigned to manage the selected project.
Starting Date: Specifies the date on which the selected project actually starts.
Delivery Date (Estimated): Specifies the estimated delivery date of the selected project.
Active Budget Version: Specifies the active budget version currently in use for the selected project.
Budget Statistics
Displays information on the selected project for budgeted sales and cost amounts for Scheduled Billings, Resources, Items Expenses and Total.
Actual Statistics
Displays information on the selected project for Invoiced Amount, Sales Amount, Expense Invoicing, and Expense Invoicing %.
Income Statistics
Displays information on the selected project for Budget Sales Amount, Actual Sales Amount, Budget Cost Amount, Actual Cost Amount, Budget Profit and Actual Profit.