Income Analysis
Progressus provides the ability to review amounts on the various Projects based on the criteria defined. The Income Analysis tool is version-controlled, thereby making it possible to compare a current analysis with a previous Income Analysis.
- From the Role Center, choose Projects > Income Analysis. A new Income Analysis can be created by selecting New from the ribbon. An existing Income Analysis can be edited by selecting it from the grid. The Income Analysis consists of a Header and Analysis Task Lines.
Income Analysis Header
Field Name | Description |
No. |
Specifies the user-entered number for the Income Analysis. Auto Numbering can be set up. The Auto Numbering No. Series this page uses is set up in Project Setup on the Number Series FastTab. To use auto numbering, click the ellipsis beside the No. field and the Number Series page opens. Click OK and the number will be auto populated to the next value. The No. can also be manually entered. |
Description | Specifies information about the Income Analysis. |
Budget Version | Specifies the Budget Version used to update the Income Analysis. |
Budget Version 2 | Specifies the second Budget Version used to update the Income Analysis. |
Once the Income Analysis has been created with the correct information and basic data, the next step is to create Income lines. This is done, by creating the lines directly in the Income Analysis Tasklist section > More Options > Insert > Insert New Task.
Add as many Tasks as desired by using the Insert Task function. Once the Insert Task page opens, click into the InputValue field, and add a new Task Code.
After the Task Code is added, manually update the remaining fields in the Income Analysis Tasklist lines for each Task that was added.
Income Analysis Tasklist Columns
These are the columns available in the Income Analysis Task List. You can right click in the Task List...Expand All - easily toggle Task List from compressed view of total lines only to detailed view of Posting Tasks.
Field Name | Description |
Code |
Specifies a user-created identifier to represent the Income Analysis line. |
Type | Specifies a classification of how the data will be used. Options: |
- Posting | |
-Begin-Total | |
- End-Total |
The Income Analysis lines are structured by the same principle as the Chart of Accounts with Begin-Total, End-Total and Posting lines, where the Posting lines are summarized in the Begin Total and End-Total lines.
Sign |
Specifies how the columns will be updated in Total lines. By default, all amounts are added. To subtract Task lines from the total amount by choosing 'Minus'. |
Description | Specifies information to identify the Task line. |
Total Budget Price | SSpecifies the sum of the price for all Budget Entries for the Budget Version No. |
Total Budget Price Pipeline | Specifies the Total Budget Price for Pipeline. |
Total Budget Price 2 | Specifies the total of the second budgeted price from Income Analysis Entries. |
Total Budget Price 2 Pipeline | Specifies the Total Budget Price for Pipeline 2. |
Total Usage Price | Specifies the sum of the price for the Total Usage for Budget Version No. 1. |
Budget/Actual | Specifies percentage difference between the Total Price Budget and the Total Price Budget Usage for Budget Version No. 1. |
Budget 2/Actual | Specifies percentage difference between the Total Price Budget 2 and the Total Price Budget 2 for Budget Version No. 2. |
Indent Tasks in the ribbon can be used to properly align the posting/totaling Tasks
After the Task lines have been added, the criteria to populate each Task line can be created using Functions > Create Income Analysis.
it is important that the cursor is focused on the Task line before choosing Functions. When the criteria are defined, the results will update the Task line that is in focus.
Create Income Analysis
The Update Income Analysis page opens and the criteria for the Task line can be chosen. This is an example of choosing only fixed price projects. Once the options are defined, the Task line amounts are populated based on the options chosen
Repeat steps for additional Tasks
Field Name | Description |
Income Analysis Task Code |
Specifies the value of the Income Analysis Task Code field. |
Task Code Filter | Specifies the value of the Task Code Filter field. |
Posted Payments | Specifies, if selected (true) to include Posted Payments (Scheduled Billings). |
Filter: Project | Optionally, select values for No. (Project number), Search Description, Global Dimension 1, Global Dimension 2, Project Posting Group or Status to narrow the results. Additional filters can also be added using the + Filter option. |
Filter: Job Ledger Entry | Additional filters on Project Ledger Entry fields can be added by clicking + Filter to further narrow results. |
- After all the criteria for the Tasks have been entered, the criteria can be reviewed/modified later by focusing on a specific Task and choosing Functions > Create Income Analysis again.
The ability to drill down into transaction lines for each amount is available similar to the Project Plan page.
Income Analysis Tasklist Columns
Other fields that can be added via Personalization include:
Resource Budget Price: Specifies the sum of the price for resource budget entries for Budget Version No. 1.
Resource Budget Price 2: Specifies the sum of the price for resource budget entries for Budget Version No. 2.
Resource Budget Cost 2: Specifies the sum of the cost for resource budget entries for Budget Version No. 2.
Resource Budget Price 2: Specifies the sum of the price for resource budget entries for Budget Version No. 2.
Resource Usage Cost: Specifies the sum of the cost for resource usage for Budget Version No. 1.
Resource Usage Price: Specifies the sum of the price for resource usage for Budget Version No. 1.
Item Budget Cost: Specifies the sum of the cost for item budget entries for Budget Version No. 1.
Item Budget Price: Specifies the sum of the price for item budget entries for Budget Version No. 1.
Item Budget Cost 2: Specifies the sum of the cost for item budget entries for Budget Version No. 2.
Item Budget Price 2: Specifies the sum of the price for item budget entries for Budget Version No. 2.
Item Usage Cost: Specifies the sum of the cost for item usage for Budget Version No. 1.
Item Usage Price: Specifies the sum of the price for item usage for Budget Version No. 1.
Expense Budget Cost: Specifies the sum of the cost for expense budget entries for Budget Version No. 1.
Expense Budget Price: Specifies the sum of the price for expense budget entries for Budget Version No. 1.
Expense Budget Cost 2: Specifies the sum of the cost for expense budget entries for Budget Version No. 2.
Expense Budget Price 2: Specifies the sum of the price for expense budget entries for Budget Version No. 2.
Expense Usage Cost: Specifies the sum of the cost for expense usage for Budget Version No. 1.
Expense Usage Price: Specifies the sum of the price for expense usage for Budget Version No. 1.
Payment Budget Sales Price: Specifies the sum of the price for the Payment Budget (Scheduled Billings) for Budget Version No.1.
Payment Budget Sales Price 2: Specifies the sum of the price for the Payment Budget (Scheduled Billings) for Budget Version No.2.
Total Budget Cost: Specifies the sum of the cost for all budget entries for Budget Version No. 1.
Total Budget Cost 2: Specifies the sum of the cost for all budget entries for Budget Version No. 2.
Total Budget Price 2: Specifies the sum of the price for all budget entries for Budget Version No. 2.
Total Budget Cost Pipeline: Specifies the total budget cost Pipeline 2.
Total Usage Cost: Specifies the sum of the cost for the total usage for Budget Version No. 1.
Updating Income Analysis
To update the Income Analysis, from the Role Center choose Projects > Income Analysis > Update Income analysis. This menu choice updates all Task lines in the Income Analysis.
A specific Analysis Task Code can be updated without updating all lines by placing the cursor on the line that should be updated and choosing Functions > Create Income Analysis.
Note that the filters are saved on each Income Analysis. Use the Update function to update the Income Analysis, as needed.